La Biennale di Venezia

La Biennale di Venezia

International Architecture Exhibition

Since 2014, Rolex has served as Exclusive Partner and Official Timepiece of the International Architecture Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia. The company’s support highlights its dedication to excellence in design and sustainability. The Biennale is open until 26 November, 2023.

The Rolex Pavilion

The design of the Rolex Pavilion in the Giardini, which recalls the fluted bezel – a signature aesthetic style on some of the brand’s watches – further emphasizes the strong connection between architecture and watchmaking.

Exhibitions in 2023

The Rolex Pavilion

In 2023, a display in the Pavilion highlights the sophisticated materials employed by the brand in its boutiques worldwide. The world of Rolex is suffused through the excellence of materials that range from marble, travertine, stucco and glass and are largely manufactured by artisans in Italy.

The Rolex Pavilion

The sensitive refurbishment of Melbourne’s Centenary Hall, which houses Rolex Australia, has demonstrated how a skilful retrofit can safeguard a historic building and improve its environmental performance. Working with the brand, local architect Peter Miglis, of Woods Bagot, has restored the art deco building while applying a gold standard of sustainability. Each level boasts a distinctive personality that references Rolex – the watch and the craft – without compromising the Hall’s aesthetic integrity.

Melbourne Building

Transmission of knowledge for the benefit of future generations is integral to Rolex. The Rolex Mentor and Protégé Arts Initiative, which pairs young artists with masters in their disciplines for a period of one-on-one mentoring, is celebrating its 20th anniversary. A display features the six pairs who have collaborated so far. Architects who have acted as mentors are: Álvaro Siza, Kazuyo Sejima, Peter Zumthor, Sir David Chipperfield, Sir David Adjaye and Anne Lacaton.