An art and a science

Architecture is where a wide range of disciplines converge, combining artistic vision and technical excellence. As in watchmaking, the strength of the design reflects a passion for precision, performance and aesthetics.

Architecture and the Perpetual Arts Initiative

Rolex supports architecture through its Perpetual Arts Initiative, which embraces many partnerships with leading cultural institutions and artists as part of its a long-term commitment to global culture.

International Architecture Exhibition

International Architecture Exhibition

Since 2014, Rolex has served as Exclusive Partner and Official Timepiece of the International Architecture Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia. The company’s support highlights its dedication to excellence in design and sustainability. The Biennale is open until 26 November, 2023.

Rolex Pavilion
The Rolex Pavilion at the International Architecture Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia recalls Rolex’s signature fluted bezel.

As part of its commitment to fostering the best use of space and technical innovation, Rolex supports the International Architecture Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia, as Exclusive Partner and Official Timepiece.

Rolex buildings

In the construction of its own buildings, as in its watchmaking, Rolex has always embraced innovative ideas.

In Dallas, Japanese architect Kengo Kuma designed the Rolex Building, a seven-storey tower with an environmentally sophisticated design.